Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pokemon #149: Dragonite

Difficulty: 5/5: Advanced

An extra-large and extra-huggable doll of my favorite Pokemon, Dragonite! This is a fairly large, complicated doll that is not suitable for those without at least a little experience crocheting in the round and making amigurumi. It is a bit of a challenge, but definitely worth it for the finished product! If you have any questions or corrections, please feel free to ask in the comments section or message me at 2DCuttlefish@gmail.com.\


  • For regular Dragonite: (A) two 6-oz skeins of gold, (B) about ½ of a 6-oz skein of blue-green, (C) about ½ of a 6-oz skein in off-white, and (D) small amounts of black yarn for detail embroidery.
  • For shiny Dragonite:  (A) two 6-oz skeins of pale green, (B) about ½ of a 6-oz skein of orchid, (C) about ½ of a 6-oz skein in off-white, and (D) small amounts of black yarn for detail embroidery.
-4.5 mm (size 7) crochet hook
-Fiberfill – I recommend a nice, soft variety that's good for stuffed animals
-Yarn needle
-Scraps of felt, loose fabric, etc. in white, grey, and black for the eyes. You can also make them using needle felting, if you know how – that's the way I did it for the example doll shown in the photos.
-Scraps of yarn for round markers

Gauge: Gauge is not important for this work. With the given yarn and hook size, the finished doll will stand about 15 inches (38.1 cm) in height; adjust yarn and/or hook size if a bigger or smaller doll is desired. Just make sure your stitches are of a consistent size and tightness.

Notation (US crochet)
ch: chain
st: stitch
sc: single crochet
hdc: half-double crochet
slst: slip stitch
inc: increase stitch (perform 2 sc in the next stitch of the work)
dec: decrease stitch (insert hook into next stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch. Insert hook into next stitch, yarn over and pull through first loop. Yarn over again, pull through all 3 loops on hook.)
hdec: half-double decrease stitch (yarn over hook and insert into stitch. Yarn over hook and pull through the stitch. Yarn over hook again, and insert into next stitch. Yarn over hook again and pull through the second stitch. Yarn over hook once more, and pull through all 5 loops on the hook.)

*Note: You do not need to use the same brand or colors of yarn I used, but you should try and pick a 100% acrylic yarn for this doll. Acrylic yarn is generally best for amigurumi dolls as it holds the stiff weave required to maintain the structure of the doll. This is especially true for large dolls like this one, whose weight may cause non-acrylic yarns to sag and lose shape over time.

First, we'll make and assemble the main parts of Dragonite's body. All parts are worked in a spiral round, unless otherwise noted.

Head and Torso
Round 1: Using A, 8 sc in starter circle (8)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st around (16)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (24)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (32)
Round 5: *sc in next 3 st, inc.*Repeat from * to * around. (40)
Round 6: *sc in next 4 st, increase.* Repeat from * to * around. (48)
Round 7: *sc in next 5 st, increase.* Repeat from * to * around. (56)
Rounds 8-21: sc in each st around. (56)
Round 22: *sc in next 6 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (64)
Rounds 23-24: sc in each st around. (64)
Round 25: *sc in next 7 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (72)
Rounds 26-28: sc in each st around. (72)
Round 29: *sc in next 8 st, inc* Repeat from * to * around. (80)
Round 30: *sc in next 9 st, inc* Repeat from * to * around. (88)
Round 31: 10 sc, inc* Repeat from * to * around. (96)
Rounds 32-33: sc in each st around. (96)
Round 34: *sc in next 11 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (104)
*Now is a good time to start stuffing. Continue to stuff the doll firmly as you work.
Rounds 35-54: sc in each st around. (104)
Round 55: *sc in next 11 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (96)
Round 56: *sc in next 10 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (88)
Round 57: *sc in next 9 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (80)
Round 58: *sc in next 8 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (72)
Round 59: *sc in next 7 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (64)
Round 60: *sc in next 6 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (56)
Round 61: *sc in next 5 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (48)
Round 62: *sc in next 4 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (40)
Round 63: *sc in next 3 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (32)
Round 62: *sc in next 2 st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (24)
Round 63: *sc in next st, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (16)
Round 64: dec around until closed.
Finish off, leaving trail.

Arms (Make 2)
Round 1: With A, 5 sc in started circle. (5)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st around (10)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (15)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (20)
Round 5: *sc in next 3 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (25)
Rounds 6-20: sc in each st around. At the end of round 20, ch 1 and turn (25)
*From here on, you will be working in standard crochet rows rather than rounds
Row 21: sc in next 13 stitches. ch 1, turn. (13)
Rows 22-23: Repeat Row 21. (13)
Finish off, leaving trail. Stuff firmly.

Legs (Make 2)
Round 1: With A, 8 sc in starter circle (8)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st around (16)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (24)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (32)
Round 5: *sc in next 3 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (40)
Round 6: *sc in next 4 sc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (48)
Rounds 7-15: sc in each st around (48)
Round 16: *sc in next 4 sc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (40)
Round 17: *sc in next 3 sc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (32)
Round 18: *sc in next 2 sc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (24)
Rounds 19-20: sc in each st around (16)
Finish off, leaving trail. Stuff firmly. The bottom of the legs are left open, as this is where you will attach the feet.

Feet (Make 2)
Round 1: With A, 6 sc in starter circle. (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st around (12)
Round 3: *sc in next 4 st, inc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (16)
Round 4: *sc in next 5 st, inc, inc, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (22)
Round 5: *dec, sc in next 4 st, dec, inc, inc, inc* Reapeat from * to * around. (24)
Rounds 6-13: sc in each st around (24)
Round 14: *sc in next 4 st, dec* Repeat from * to * around. (20)
*Note: Start stuffing now, and continue to do so until you finish. The feet should be stuffed firmly, to support the weight of the doll.
Round 15: *sc in next 3 st, dec* Repeat from * to * around. (16)
Round 16: *sc in next 2 st, dec* Repeat from * to * around. (12)
Round 17: dec around until closed
Finish off, leaving trail.

Round 1: With A, sc 8 in starter circle (8)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st around (16)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (24)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (32)
Round 5: *sc in next 3 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (40)
Round 6: *sc in next 4 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (48)
Round 7: *sc in next 5 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (56)
Round 8: *sc in next 17 st, dec, dec, sc in next 3 st, dec, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (48)
Round 9: *sc in next 20 st, dec, dec.* Repeat from * to * around. (44)
Rounds 10-11: sc in each st around (44)
Stuff just enough to maintain the shape of the snout. Finish off, leaving trail.

Round 1: With A, sc 4 in starter circle (4)
Round 2: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (6)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (9)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (12)
Rounds 5-6: sc in each st around. (12)
Round 7: *sc in next 3 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (15)
Rounds 8-9: sc in each st around. (15)
Round 10: *sc in next 4 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (18)
Rounds 11-12: sc in each st around. (18)
Round 13: *sc in next 5 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (21)
*Begin to stuff here, firmly.
Round 14: sc in each st around. (21)
Round 15: *sc in next 6 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (24)
Rounds 16-17: sc in each st around. (24)
Round 18: *sc in next 7 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (27)
Rounds 19-20: sc in each st around (27)
Round 21: *sc in next 8 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around (30)
Round 22: *sc in next 4 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * twice. sc to end of round. (33)
Rounds 23-24: sc in each st around (33)
Round 25: *sc in next 10 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (36)
Round 26: *sc in next 5 st, inc* Repeat from * to * twice. sc to end of round. (39)
Rounds 27-28: sc in each st around around (39)
Round 29: *sc in next 12 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (42)
Round 30: *sc in next 6 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * twice. sc to end of round. (45)
Finish off, leaving trail.

Round 1: With A, sc 4 in starter circle. (4)
Round 2: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (6)
Round 3: *sc in next st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (9)
Round 4: *sc in next 2 st, inc.* Repeat from * to * around. (12)
Round 5: sc in each st around. (12)
Finish Off, leaving trail. Add a small amount of stuffing to the horn, just enough to maintain its shape once attached to the head.

Assembly: Using the tapestry needle and trails of yarn from each piece, you will be using a firm whip stitch to sew the pieces together. First, sew the feet to the legs. Then, pin all of the completed body pieces together; doing this will allow you to make sure everything is in the correct spot before you sew it together permanently. The legs may be difficult to attach, as their bulk makes it difficult to position them properly when sewing; use a firm stitch, and sew around the area connecting the pieces twice if you need to. I've included reference pictures in at the end of this pattern to help you put your own doll together using my finished doll as an assembly reference. When you're happy with everything, move on to Part 2, where we will begin making the detail pieces of the doll.

All of the parts described in this section are worked using traditional crochet in rows, rather than a spiral round.

Wings (Make 4; 2 with A and 2 with B)
This is arguably the hardest part of the doll. Make sure to work with a firm grip, as the wings must be able to support themselves. It is complicated, but you will be fine if you follow the directions carefully. The final pieces will be slightly baggy in the middle; this will provide a slight curve to the wings. You will make 4 pieces using the pattern provided, two in color A and 2 in color B. The pieces made with A will be the back of the wings, while the B pieces will be the front.

Row 1: With A or B, ch 26. (26) Turn.
Row 2: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Sc in next 5 st. 3 sc in next st. sc in next 5 st. skip 1 st. sc in next 5 sc. 3 sc in next st. sc in next 5 st. 2 sc in last st of row. (30) ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Beginning in the second st from the hook, dec. sc in next 5 st. 3 sc in next st. dec seven times. 3 sc in next st. sc in next 5 st. slst in last st of row. (26) ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Beginning in the second st from the hook, dec. sc in next 5 st. 3 sc in next st. dec five times. 3 sc in next st. sc in next 5 st. slst in last st of row. (26) ch 1, turn.
Row 5: Beginning in the second st from the hook, dec. sc in next 5 st. 3 sc in next st. dec four times. 3 sc in next st. sc in next 5 st. slst in last st of row. (23) ch 1, turn
Row 6: Beginning in the second st from the hook, dec. sc in next 5 st. dec 4 times. Sc in next 6 st. slst in last st of row. (17) ch 1, turn.
Row 7: sc in 2nd st from hook. sc in next 4 st. dec 3 times. sc in next 5 st. slst in last st of row. (14) ch 1, turn.
Row 8: Beginning in the 2nd st from the hook, dec. dec, dec. inc, inc. dec, dec, dec. (10) ch 1, turn.
Row 9: Beginning in the 2nd st from the hook, dec. sc in next 7 st. slst in last st of row. (9) ch 1, turn.
Row 10: Beginning in the 2nd st from the hook, dec. sc in next 5 st. dec over last 2 st of row. (7) ch 1, turn.
Row 11: Beginning in the 2nd st from the hook, dec. sc in next 3 st. dec over last 2 st of row. (5) ch 1, turn.
Row 12: Beginning in the 2nd st from the hook, dec. sc in next st. dec over last 2 st of row. (3)
Finish off, leaving trail.

Antennae (Make 2)
Row 1: With C, ch 11 (11) Turn.
Row 2: sc in 2nd st from hook. sc in each st across. (10) ch 1, turn.
Row 3: sc in 2nd st from hook. sc in each st across. (10)
Finish off, leaving trail. Use the trail to sew the top of row 3 to the bottom of row 1 using a whip stitch.

Row 1: With C, ch 13. Turn. (13)
Row 2: hdc in 3rd st from hook and continue to hdc to end of row. (12) ch 2, turn.
Rows 3-6: Repeat Row 2 (12)
Row 7: 2 hdc in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 10 st. 2 hdc in last st of row. (14) ch 2, turn.
Row 8: 2 hdc in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 12 st. 2 hdc in last st of row. (16) ch 2, turn.
Row 9: 2 hdc in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 14 st. 2 hdc in last st of row. (18) ch 2, turn.
Row 10: 2 hdc in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 16 st. 2 hdc in last st of row. (20) ch 2, turn.
Row 11: hdc in 3rd st from hook and continue to hdc to end of row. (20) ch 2, turn.
Row 12-40: Repeat Row 11. (20) By the end of Row 40, the belly piece should be long enough that it extends from just beneath Dragonite's snout down to the base of his tail. If it is not that long, continue to repeat row 11 until it is. If your piece reaches the base of the tail prior to row 40, you may stop repeating row 11 and start the pattern described from row 41 onwards.
Row 41: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 16 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (18) ch 2, turn.
Row 42: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 14 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (16) ch 2, turn.
Row 43: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 12 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (14) ch 2, turn.
Row 44: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 10 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (12) ch 2, turn.
Row 45: hdc in 3rd st from hook and continue to hdc to end of row. (12) ch 2, turn.
Row 46: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 8 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (10) ch 2, turn.
Row 47: hdc in 3rd st from hook and continue to hdc to end of row. (10) ch 2, turn.
Rows 48-52: Repeat Row 47.
Row 53: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 6 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (8) ch 2, turn.
Row 54: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 4 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (6) ch 2, turn.
Row 55: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. 1 hdc in next 2 st. hdec over last 2 st of row. (4) ch 2, turn.
Row 56: hdc in 3rd st from hook and continue to hdc to end of row. (4) ch 2, turn.
Rows 57-59: Repeat row 56 (4)
Row 60: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. hdec over last 2 st of row. (2)
Row 61: hdec starting in 3rd st from hook. (1)
Finish off, leaving very long trail. Weave in ends.

Claws (Make 12)
Row 1: With C, ch 3. (3) Turn.
Row 2: sc in 2nd st from hook. sc in last st of round (2)
Finish off, leaving trail.

Assembly: First, assemble the wings. For each wing, use a whip stitch to sew the tops of the wings using the trail from the back (color A) pieces and the bottoms using the trail from the front (color B) pieces. The belly piece should extend from the base of Dragonite's snout underneath him to the tip of his tail. Three claws should be placed at the end of each arm and foot piece. Pin all of the pieces in place on the main body you made in Part 1. When you're satisfied with the arrangement, sew everything into place using a firm whip stitch. Photos for assembly reference are available at the end of the pattern document.


You're free to make these with whatever material you feel comfortable with using. Dragonite's eyes may be made from felt scraps, fabric scraps, wool roving, etc. The base layer will be white, followed by the layer of the black area, and topped with the gray of the iris and the white of the “shine” in Dragonite's eye. If using scrap material, cut out the appropriate shapes and sew them together before sewing the finished eye to the doll. If using needle-felting, be careful not to put your hand under the head area as you work it so you don't accidentally stab yourself with the needle; work over a foam block or a table. A close-up of my doll's eyes is visible below; I chose to use needle felting and wool roving. Also included is a diagram of my design for the right eye; mirror it for the design of the left.

Using black yarn, embroider two small nostrils at the end of Dragonite's snout.

Using black yarn, embroider a wide u-shaped mouth around the underside of Dragonite's snout.

...and, you're done! Congratulations! Below are some extra photos to assist you with the assembly steps. Again, please feel free to contact me in the comments section or at 2DCuttlefish@gmail.com if you have any questions at all.

Further images have been provided below for you to reference while creating your doll.